"A New Revelation Of Jesus" by Rick Lyon
"A Study of the Master Universe with Appendices" by William Sadler Jr.
"A Young Child's Guide to The Urantia Book" by Mary Ebben
"Appendices to A Study of the Master Universe" by William Sadler Jr.
"Divine Love" by Hara Davis
"Entities, Beings & Personalities of The Urantia Book" by Pete DeCamp
"Family: The Fundamental Unit of Fraternity" by Hara Davis
"FAQ'S with the FACTS About God, Heaven, Angels & Religion" by Rick Lyon
"Index de El libro de Urantia" by Marcelino Ramirez
"Key Word Index" by Urantia Foundation
"Paramony" by Duane L. Faw – Gently Used Copy
"Pronunciation Guide" by Urantia Foundation
"Simplification of the Foreword" by William S. Sadler, Jr.
"Sincere Prayer & True Worship" by Hara Davis
"Soul Evolution" by Hara Davis
"Spiritual Engineering" by Thomas Strawser
"Spiritual Psychology" by Meredith Sprunger
"Study Aids for Part IV of The Urantia Book – The Life and Teachings of Jesus"
"Study Group Starter Guide" by Urantia Association International
"The Bold & Italicized Words" by Susan Lyon