"Getting to Know God" by Kaye Cooper
New copies in good condition. 8.5" x 11" / 28 pages.
This classic coloring and story book written by Kaye Cooper was a "labor of love" for children and an important secondary work at a time when few existed. Subtitled "A Spiritual Living Book for Children" and published in 1992.
Parents are encouraged to make photocopies of the individual pages of this book for their children to write and draw on. Any other reproduction not protected by "fair use" is prohibited. ISBN 0-9632961-0-8
Virtually all of a child's lifetime values are set by the age of eight. That is why it is so important to take every opportunity to teach and demonstrate worthy values and techniques of living to youngsters as early and as often as possible. The way the adults around them live their lives––especially the way they relate to children, to their life partners, to other people and to God––gives children the basis for their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development.
Getting to Know God will help you to give the children in your life a good spiritual beginning. It has two important concepts to convey. One of these is that God is approachable. He is always available to spend time with each individual child. He is never too busy with more important things. Time spent in God's company should be enjoyable and often fun.
The second major concept is that religion is both personal and active. I have tried to relate each page personally to the child to convey the personal nature of religion. Asking the child to express his or her own responses to the questions involves the child in action rather than in passive listening. Often I have asked the child to imagine how he can do things in the way God would do them. This is intended to suggest the relevance of religion to everyday life. You can make the connection between these imaginings and real life by asking the child in appropriate moments, "What do you think is God's way to handle this situation?"
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Adventures in Spiritual Living, Inc.
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