"Seedlings Volume 1" by Michael Hagan
"Simplification of the Foreword" by William S. Sadler, Jr.
"Sincere Prayer & True Worship" by Hara Davis
"Soul Evolution" by Hara Davis
"Soul Winning Texts" by Dr. William S. Sadler
"Spiritual Engineering" by Thomas Strawser
"Spiritual Psychology" by Meredith Sprunger
"Study Aids for Part IV of The Urantia Book – The Life and Teachings of Jesus"
"Study Group Starter Guide" by Urantia Association International
"Tales of Joshua" by Bob Slagle
"The Bold & Italicized Words" by Susan Lyon
"The Call Within" by JG Johnston
"The Coming Age of Personal Religion" by Paul Snider
"The Cosmic Voyage" (Danish) by Henno Käo
"The Cosmic Voyage, Our Greatest Adventure" by Henno Kao
"The Divine Overcontrol of Civilization" by Richard Rosen
"The Emerging Recognition of Jesus' Divine Nature" by David Linthicum
"The Gardens of Eden – Life and Times of Adam and Eve" by Richard E. Warren
"The Gardens of Eden" – (French) by Richard E. Warren
"The Gardens of Eden" – (German) by Richard E. Warren